
Here you can find all publications of the members of the Centre for Atlantic and Global Studies.
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Showing results 161 - 180 out of 560


Denson, S, Mayer, R 2018, 'Border crossings: Serial figures and the evolution of media', NECSUS : European journal of media studies , vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 65-84.
Gabbert, W 2018 'Indigenous Rights, Natural Resources and the State: The Intricacies of Sustainable Development in Middle America' ISH- Arbeitspapier, Leibniz Universität Hannover. <>
Gohrisch, J 2018, 'Cecile Sandten and Kathy-Ann Tan (editors): Home. Concepts, Constructions, Contexts', Anglistik: International Journal of English Studies, vol. 29, no. 1.
Hatzky, C, Reinwald, B, Thompson, EF, Maguire, A, Guerra Vilaboy, S, Rath, I & Marx, C 2018, Beyond Europe: the First World War in global perspective. Dhau, vol. 3. Jahrgang (2018), Röhrig Universitätsverlag, St. Ingbert. <>
Hatzky, C & Reinwald, B 2018, Beyond Europe: the First World War in global perspective. in Beyond Europe: The First World War in global perspective. Dhau. Jahrbuch für außereuropäische Geschichte, vol. 3. Jahrgang (2018), pp. 9-20.
Hatzky, C & Reinwald, B (eds) 2018, Beyond Europe: the First World War in global perspective. Dhau. Jahrbuch für außereuropäische Geschichte, vol. 3. Jahrgang (2018).
Hatzky, C 2018, 'Christiane Abele, Kein kleines Land. Die Kolonialfrage in Portugal 1961–1974. (Moderne Zeit, Bd. 28.) Göttingen, Wallstein 2017: Die Kolonialfrage in Portugal 1961–1974', HISTORISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT, vol. 307, no. 2, pp. 609-611.
Hatzky, C, Apelt, F, Berth, C, Chihaia, M & Potthast, B (eds) 2018, La cultura del sandinismo en Nicaragua: Pasado y presente. Monograma, vol. 2.1, vol. 2.1, Fundación Iberoamericana de las Industrias Culturales y Creativas . <>
Loock, K 2018, 'American TV Series Revivals: Introduction', Television and New Media, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 299-309.
Loock, K 2018, '“Whatever Happened to Predictability?”: Fuller House, (Post)Feminism, and the Revival of Family-Friendly Viewing', Television and New Media, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 361-378.
Mayer, R & Starre, A 2018, Media/Knowledge: American(ist) Epistemic Formats 1900/2000. in F Kelleter & A Starre (eds), Projecting American Studies: Essays on Theory, Method, and Practice. American Studies – A Monograph Series, vol. 285, Winter, pp. 273-285. <>
Pardey, H 2018, 'Andrew James Johnston and Kai Wiegandt (editors): The Return of the Historical Novel? Thinking About Fiction and History After Historiographic Metafiction', Anglistik: International Journal of English Studies, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 164-166.
Rempel, N & Nazaruk, J 2018, 'Hecho en México - Fremd- und Selbstbetrachtung als Gegenstand eines diversitätssensiblen Spanischunterrichts', Hispanorama, vol. 2018, no. 162, pp. 74-81.
Saavedra, MB 2018, 'El espacio vivido: Posesión, dominio y ventas de tierra en la frontera chilena (valdivia, 1790-1830)', Historia Critica, vol. 2018, no. 67, pp. 3-21.
Saavedra, MB 2018, 'Jurisdictional autonomy and the autonomy of law: End of Empire and the functional differentiation of law in 19 th-century Latin America', Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History, vol. 26, pp. 325-337.
Schmieder, U 2018, 'Masculine and Feminine Identities of Slaves, Patrocinados and Freedmen in Cuba in the 1880s', EnterText. An interactive interdisciplinary e-journal for cultural and historical studies and creative work, vol. 2018, no. 12. <>
Schmieder, U 2018, Periódicos afrocubanos: La Independencia y el distanciamiento de la élite afrocubana de Haití, África y la esclavitud. in A Bandau, A Brüske & N Ueckmann (eds), Reshaping (g)local dynamics of the Caribbean: Relaciones y Deconexiones – Relations and Disconnections – Relations et Déconnexions. heiUP, Heidelberg University Publishing, Heidelberg, pp. 423-442. <>
Schmieder, U 2018, 'Sites of Memory of Atlantic Slavery in European Towns with an Excursus on the Caribbean', Cuadernos Inter.c.a.mbio sobre Centroamérica y el Caribe, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 29-75. <>
Schulze, R & Gohrisch, J 2018, 'Brexit means Brexit: Or so they say...' Unimagazin: Forschungsmagazin der Leibniz Universität Hannover, vol. 2018, no. 1/2, pp. 10-13. <>


Bandau, AL 2017, Jean-François de Saint-Lambert and His Moral conte “Ziméo” (1769) in the Context of Abolitionist and Imperial Activities. in Enlightened Colonialism: Civilization Narratives and Imperial Politics in the Age of Reason. Cambridge Imperial and Post-Colonial Studies, vol. Part F146, Palgrave Macmillan Ltd., pp. 205- 226.